Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The girl in a black clothes
reader descretion..
Friday, March 26, 2010
ooopss i did it again...
Death is a Dialogue between
The Spirit and the Dust.
"Dissolve" says Death—The Spirit "Sir
I have another Trust"—
Death doubts it—Argues from the Ground—
The Spirit turns away
Just laying off for evidence
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
the Day of Birth

March 25th the year of the lord 1984 a boy came on this world, clean, bold and full of dreams that some day he will announce the this world who he is. at his younger years he experience challenge in life and in his academic until he notice that he has a sense of logic through science and technology matters, his high school life he learn to accept big challenges and learn new things that he never thought he will, college life for him is struggle until he quits and face new chapter of his life, does it really matter to a person to finish his studies in college?? a big question grinding inside his head, at this time his back.............. a self proclaim scythe, an into his self he knows he has something more to give.... this day this man is his birth day. 26 of age never the less failed to try more new things in life..... gods faith and love is his equipments....
Ripping someones Heads
Monday, March 22, 2010
The day of history and celebration
1857 Earthquake hits Tokyo; about 107,000 die
1935 Persia officially renamed Iran
1943 Assassination attempt on Hitler fails
i guest this are some of the famous facts that i can share. anyways i didn't know that there's a assassination attempt to Hitler. wow!! but they fail.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Lucifer vs Hades

On the other side of our lives is death and if your a christian you probably know hell were lucifer will be unchained on the judgement day, and if your a mythological lover of greeks you definitely want to know whats hades place is?
well as far as i know hades is not real because THEY say that is just only an piece of imagination created by greeks. and if we study more about this hades and lucifer they got a lot of dissimilarities. first from what i heard that lucifer was an angel "before" GOD punished him and etc. in the end of the story he is the old snake that tricked adam and eve. Hades brother of Poseidon(god the sea) and Zeus(God of the Gods of Olympus) that always argue with poseidon because he want to rule the waters but he cant and etc. in the of the stories Hades is an stuborn brother. but they similar on this. They always trick humans. eat this and you'll be like god, have this and you can rule olympus.. and to sum up all the ideas the important reminder is.. do not trust at the first place what brings you happiness right now or THEY just trick you and in the end. You'll be damn broke..
"about the images"pencil image is the hell and the colord is hades palace, isn't nice in hades palace?
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Scythe
A scythe (pronounced /ˈsaɪð/[1]) is an agricultural handtool for mowing grass or reaping crops. It was largely replaced by horse-drawn and then tractor machinery, but is still used in some areas of Europe and Asia.
A scythe consists of a wooden shaft about 170 centimetres (6 ft) long called a snaith, snath, snathe or sned (modern versions are sometimes made from metal or plastic). The snaith may be straight, or with an "S" curve, but the more sophisticated versions are curved in three dimensions, allowing the mower to stand more upright. The snaith has either one or two short handles at right angles to it — usually one near the upper end and always another roughly in the middle. A long, curved blade about 60 to 90 centimetres (24 to 35 in)) long is mounted at the lower end, perpendicular to the snaith. Scythes always have the blade projecting from the left side of the snaith when in use, with the edge towards the mower. In principle a left-handed scythe could be made, but it could not be used together with right-handed scythes in a team of mowers, as the left-handed mower would be mowing in the opposite direction.
A scythe blade is made by peening the leading edge of the blade. In some uses, such as for mowing grass, the blade-edge is made almost as thin as paper. After peening, the edge is finished and subsequently maintained by very frequent stropping or honing with a whetstone or rubber (fine-grained for grass, coarser for cereal crops), and peened again as necessary to recover the fineness of the edge.
According to the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities of Sir William Smith, the scythe, known in Latin as the falx foenaria (as opposed to the sickle, the falx messoria), was used by the ancient Romans; for illustration, Smith shows an image of Saturn holding a scythe, from an ancient Italian cameo.
The scythe also plays an important traditional role, often appearing as weapons in the hands of mythical beings such as Cronus, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, specifically, Grim Reaper (Death). This stems mainly from the Christian Biblical belief of death as a "harvester of souls."
"'Tis all a Checker-board of Nights and days where Destiny with Men for Pieces plays: Hither and thither moves, and mates and slays, and one by one back in the Closet lays."